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We Make the Stars Shine

IATSE 354 Local's Logo




Shows Worked Per Year


Local Members


Nation-Wide Support System

Meetings occur at 6:30 on the second Monday of each month.

Simply Exceptional

Executive Board

Meet the Executive Board Members

Education Committee

No one knows everything. The Education Committee helps with that; both to better your work and the local union's standing in the community.

Union Information

Find out what having union representation as a stagehand means.


Want to know more, apply for work, or just want to say "hey"?

Safety Committee

Learn what practical benefits the local union provides for your safety on the job.

Political Action Coordinator

Policies are constantly being floated on every level of government that have the potential to effect you. The Political Action Coordinator keeps an eye on everything and keeps the members abreast of anything that may help or hinder their work.

IATSE National

354 is only one of many Locals under the umbrella of the National Union. Take a look at what they do.


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