As we know, elections have consequences, and what we win at the bargaining table can be lost at the ballot box. We are encouraging ALL members who have the time to tune into this informative webinar that will explain the structure and enforcement of labor law, and why it is important for us to elect pro-labor candidates, and how all of us can be a part of creating a stronger labor movement.
In Solidarity,
Richard Shumberger
Political Coordinator, IATSE Local 354
From the International:
Sisters, Brothers, Kin —
Please join the IATSE Political/Legislative Department for an upcoming webinar: “IATSE PAC: Join the Fight!” on February 3, 2022 at 2:00pm ET.
This presentation, open to all U.S. IATSE Local Unions and members, will cover the important role IATSE PAC plays in delivering political and legislative victories for IATSE behind-the-scenes entertainment workers and their families. The presentation will look at current IATSE PAC participation across our U.S. membership and answer questions like:
What is a Political Action Committee (or PAC)?
What is IATSE PAC?
Who is allowed to contribute?
Who does IATSE PAC support?
Why is IATSE PAC necessary?
And more!
In accordance with Federal Election Commission guidelines, this webinar is open exclusively to IATSE members, IATSE retirees, staff members of the IATSE, and staff members of affiliated locals of the IATSE – who are U.S. citizens or valid green cardholders.
You may register for the webinar via the below flyer, or visit https://iatse.co/learnaboutthePAC.